
MekBorg and Steel Psalm

Created by David Hamrick

A MÖRKBORG-Compatible Tabletop Roleplaying Game Featuring MEK-KNIGHTS

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Charging Pre-Orders and Shipping Today
5 days ago – Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 01:23:35 PM

Hey folks,

We're starting the charging process with MEKBORG today. You might see a charge come through that reads "BroadSword" magazine. That is us. For whatever reason, it shows that instead of Hamrick Brands, LLC in Stripe. I've changed it, but it still keeps popping up.

Anyways, if you're notified for a fraudulent charge for some reason, make sure that you tell them that it's for this Kickstarter. Otherwise, we won't be able to ship your goods.

Sorry for any mix-up!

 - Dave

Quick Update PLUS Pirates!
5 days ago – Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 07:03:54 AM

Hey everyone,

I should finish up the MEKBORG Blitzkrieg today. Sorry for the wait. Since getting healthy again, I've been focused on catching up on all the fun things I had hanging in the lurch. You've all been SUPER supportive, so I appreciate your patience on this.

In the MEANTIME, our friend Luke/Limithron/Captain Pirate Man just launched his latest Kickstarter for Pirate Borg. Since it's in the BORG family, I figured y'all might be interested.

Here's my nifty referral link:

I don't get shit for sharing it, but hopefully, Luke will remember me next time he sees me in public instead of rolling his eyes and running the other way.


 - Dave

Miniature Proxy Recommendations for Steel Psalm and MEK BORG
13 days ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 03:26:01 PM

Hey peeps!

Just a quick pop in. I'm still working on ironing out some details on the MEK BORG Blitzkrieg, but should have it soon. I'm working from home this week and my health is great, but I want to knock out another project before digging back into this, so that's why the hold up.

By the way, I don't recommend getting a month-long kidney stone, as it tends to screw up your entire schedule!

Anywho, one of our backers recently asked what I personally recommend for Steel Psalm and MEK BORG proxies. Currently, there are two modelers whose styles I really enjoy. I also have commercial licenses for both. Once I test out some new ABS-Like resin I'm working with, I'll make up some products to share with all of you.

The first modeler is Papsikels minis on MyMiniFactory. They specialize mostly in Cyberpunk stuff, but have a few cool minis that I personally see as being very CYANide friendly.

The second is PrintMinis. Not only are they super nice (we're already discussing collabs), but they have some beautiful Necromunda inspired minis that work well for both CYANide and Xanth.

I'm still digging looking for some good Black Order and Mages proxies, the latter will probably need kitbashing. But in the meantime, show both of these talented companies your love.

As usual, holler if you need anything from us! [email protected]

 - Dave

September Update—MEK BORG Blitzkrieg coming soon!
19 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 07:20:53 AM

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