
MekBorg and Steel Psalm

Created by David Hamrick

A MÖRKBORG-Compatible Tabletop Roleplaying Game Featuring MEK-KNIGHTS

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're back from BGG.Spring!
4 months ago – Fri, May 31, 2024 at 12:34:30 PM

Hey folks! 

We are back from BGG.Spring and settling back in. This is a quick update today to let you know where a few things are at. At the end of this update, we will have two Borg family projects to plug. You can skip that last section if you do not want to see any promotional information, but I will be doing some writing on one of those projects so that is cool! As always, if you need anything for us, you can message us here or email at [email protected]

Pledge Manager/Pre-orders

Bob is currently building the pledge manager and pre-order page. We are also waiting on quotes on international shipping to see if we can get any better rates than we estimated. Shipping internationally has significantly increased in 2024 and does not just affect our industry. Bob is trying to find the most cost-effective rates for shipping from the US. Once shipping rates are locked in and the pledge manager is built, we have to wait for approval from Backerkit (usually takes less than 48 hours). Once approved, we will send a smoke test out to roughly 5% of backers to see if there are any issues with the surveys. Once the smoke test is done and any final changes are made, surveys will go out to everyone, and we will open the pre-order page! The pledge manager is where you'll set up your shipping address, get add-ons, and make any tier changes you want. Remember that our shipping is set up by order weight, so if you add any extra books or ammo boxes, your shipping cost will likely increase. We expect the pledge manager to go live either next week, or early the following week. 

Package Theft

Due to the nature of shipping, we are advising now that any packages that arrive at their intended destination but go missing will not be refundable. This rarely happens, but it has happened to previous backers. We will have plenty of communication once we get closer to fulfillment beginning, so you'll have plenty of notice and a tracking number to keep an eye on your package. If you have any questions on this. feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. If you are worried about shipping in your country, you can downgrade to the digital-only pledge in the pledge manager and be refunded any remaining credit. 

Mech Construction

We've seen requests for clarification on the rules for mechs. I am working on proofing the math now, and will be able to post a short update on some of these rules. But, as with any borg, you can do whatever you want within reason! Once I get through this next proof, I will get you some more details. Thank you for being so patient on this!

Other Borg family projects!

I will be writing for Vast Grimm's latest project, which is happening on Backerkit right now. We are good friends with the creators over there, and I am excited to be writing for the latest supplements! Vast Grimm is a stand-alone, art-filled, punk-fueled OSR role-playing game about the few humans remaining in a universe becoming infected by growing parasitic würms. You can check out the campaign here.

Our friends at SeveredToys are running a Kickstart for Mörk Borg action figures! There are plenty of other Mörk Borg-compatible ZINES and accessories as well if you are short on content. You can check out the campaign here

Thanks again, everyone. You make these projects come to life, and I can't thank you enough for your love and support!

-Dave and Team DMDave

Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond - A 5e Tome Launches Today!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 08:27:19 AM

Embark on a journey like no other with Archvillain Games' latest masterpiece: Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond! For years, their dedicated team has toiled away to craft the ultimate supplement for those brave adventurers facing the inevitable TPK in 5E. Dare to delve into the mysteries of the afterlife and discover the untold magics and powers that await your party!

Unlock the secrets of the beyond with

  •  10+ Megaboss Miniatures: Experience unparalleled detail with these stunning miniatures that bring your battles to life like never before!
  • 12+ Dark Subclasses: Embrace the darkness within and harness the forbidden powers of the Dead to turn the tide of battle in your favor!
  • 75+ Unholy Monsters: Confront terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows, ready to test your party's strength and courage!
  • 10+ Profane Lairs: Traverse treacherous domains where the very lair itself becomes your adversary, challenging you at every turn!

Many other stretch goals are planned as well!

But remember, in Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond, death is only the beginning of your adventure! Discover what lies beyond the veil and redefine your understanding of fear itself.

Back early and receive a special bonus: A Soulriver Liquid Core D20 die, absolutely free! Don't miss out on this exclusive offer, prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Make sure to check it out here

We are off to BGG.Spring is this week! If you are in Dallas and going to BGG.Spring, stop by and say hi!

-Dave and Team DMDave

Thank you all for your support!
4 months ago – Thu, May 16, 2024 at 04:36:07 PM

Hey everyone!

Thank you all so much for your support. I've been away most of the day, so I haven't had a chance to stop and say thanks yet.

Both books are drafted. The only thing I'm doing is making some last-minute checks on the math. Even though it's a "borg", I still want to make sure there isn't anything that's easily exploitable.

We also have some final art commissions we're waiting on before we can get a finalized version of everything.

Here is a rough schedule:

5/16/24—Campaign ends! Kickstarter starts collecting funds from you all. 

5/30/24—Kickstarter sends funds to us.

Early June—The Pledge Manager on Backerkit opens (we can't open it before KS sends us funds since BK takes a cut up front). That's where you'll set up your shipping, get add-ons, and make any tier changes that you want to make. This is also when I place orders for all non-book stuff. We've already got the Early Birds pins and skull patches in (the pins literally showed up today). I'll need to order the remaining patches/pins/dice sets and the custom box for the ammo kits, but that's a pretty easy process, especially since all the art is already done.

Late June—The near-final versions of MekBorg and Steel Psalm will appear as downloads on Backerkit. This version will be used to collect feedback from you all. At that time, you can share what you like, what you don't like, and what you think we should change, plus catch any lingering typos that we didn't see.

Mid-July—We finalize the PDFs based on your suggestions and put them out. Then, we send the files to our printer in China. They'll give us a schedule for what they expect on their end, which we'll share with you once we get it. Right now, they're saying late October/early November, so long as we hit the July deadline.

Summer/Fall—I send additional PDF content for MekBorg. None of this is planned, but will be based on your suggestions/demands/etc. 

November—MekBorg and Steel Psalm arrive at our fulfillment center, and we start shipping worldwide.

This is a rough estimate. Things can (and often do) change. However, we'll always keep you in the loop. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected] or send us a message here.

Thanks again, everyone!

 - Dave

Final Stretch Goal Announced and Hit at the Same Time!
4 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 07:32:56 AM

Hey all,

It's the final 24 hours of the campaign. Since I couldn't decide what the last hunk of stretch goals would be, I decided to create a "catch-all" final stretch goal called "The PDF Bomb." Essentially, it'll be a bunch of extra content that we create in PDF format while you wait for your stuff to show up in the mail. 

What will it be? I have no idea! And that's the point. Instead of promising something that we may or may not feel like creating 3-4 months from now, I left it open-ended. That way 1) myself, John, etc., can create what we're passionate about and release it as we make it, 2) you can give us suggestions based on your experience with the product which we can create for you on-demand, and 3) if we're late for any reason on the main product (while we're pretty sure we'll hit the deadline on this, shit always inevitably comes up), you'll get even more stuff to play with.

Later, down the road, we can cobble all this stuff together and put it into a book/zine, etc. But for now, it's just going to be digital.

I put the goal as "XXX", meaning that you've already hit it. So, expect to get regular content drops over the course of the next few months.

Let me know what you think!

And as always, thanks for your support! This has been a fun project.

 - Dave

Final 48 Hours is Upon Us!
4 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 09:31:12 AM

Hey friends!

It's the finnaaaal countdooowwwn... do-do-do-dooo, do-do-do-do-do, etc...

Thanks to all of you who've backed the campaign. As the last few hours of this campaign tick away, I'll be creating a few more minor stretch goals as a way to say thank you all. 

Also, once it's done on Thursday, I'll post a rough schedule of when you can expect certain milestones to occur. Because both books are drafted and done, you should get the PDFs by the end of June. We'll then give you all 2-3 weeks for input, make changes accordingly, then send them off to our printers overseas. 

Already, some of the items are finished. We just got the black and yellow patches and the glow-in-the-dark early bird pins are already on the way.

Anyways, if there's anything else you need, let us know here or at [email protected]


 - Dave