
MekBorg and Steel Psalm

Created by David Hamrick

A MÖRKBORG-Compatible Tabletop Roleplaying Game Featuring MEK-KNIGHTS

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Less than a week remains! Thank you all so much.
5 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 06:50:46 AM

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to pop in today and say thanks so much for your support so far. We're six days away from the campaign's conclusion. We've exceeded our goals and expectations with this campaign by quite a bit. 

Once the campaign wraps up, we'll give you a timeline of when we expect certain milestones to occur. Our printing partner is targeting mid-July to being production, so we should hit our goals. Before they get the files, however, I'm going to let you all review the content and make suggestions for edits. 

Before all that happens, you can expected a few more stretch goals, probably one more big one at $250,000. 

Anyways, I'll chat at you all very soon! Thank you so much again!

 - Dave

MekBorg Play Mat Samples are in
5 months ago – Thu, May 02, 2024 at 02:27:03 PM

Hey everyone!

The MekBorg playmat sample just arrived from our manufacturer. These won't go into the Ammo Box (it'd be too cost-prohibitive, unfortunately) but will be offered as an add-on in the Pledge Manager.

Check it out:

Sorry for radio silence! Been MOVING!
5 months ago – Wed, May 01, 2024 at 12:22:35 PM

Hey everyone!

Sorry we haven't been too loud lately. We just got done moving our retail store to a new location. We've just hit two more stretch goals (whoop!) with The Nohr coming next. I'll plan out another array of groovy stretch goals after we hit that one.

As always, if there's something you need, be sure to hit us up here or at [email protected]


 - Dave

New Stretch Goals and a New Fancy Rules Reference Sheet/Player Mat
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 08:49:42 AM

Happy Friday people!

A quick update for all of you. As we're getting closer to hitting 2,000 backers, I've tossed in a few more things into the ammo box (including some tongue-in-cheek references to some folks you might know iykyk) and I've also made a newfangled player-mat/rules reference sheet that you can download off the front page.

Here's the preview:

Likely, this will become a neoprene player mat (kinda like MTG mats) available for purchase during the Pledge Manager. I'm sending off this art now to our printer overseas to see what it'll look like in person. Once I know it's doable, I'll let you all know that you can get it in the Pledge Manager when it opens up in late May.

Let me know what you think.


 - Dave

Sneak peek at the early bird pins!
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 06:28:12 AM

Hey folks!

Happy Thursday. I just got an email from our enamel pin manufacturer that the proofs for the pins are complete. Here's what they look like:

For those of you getting the pins, you should receive them the same time you get your physical rewards, ETA October this year.

I'll post more images of the different products as we get them.

For those of you who missed out on getting the 72 hour early bird pin, we'll have some extras at conventions this year. We'll be at most of the big ones (Origins, GenCon, Pax Unplugged) plus some regional ones around Dayton, Ohio and Norman, Oklahoma.

Talk to you soon!

 - Dave